
The recommended courses involve specialist curricula in the following areas of interest:

  • outlined soil protection and prevention of natural hazards, oriented to the design of actions to mitigate natural hazards and their forcing anthropogenic;
  • lanning and management of natural resources, aimed at the management of complex environmental systems and the construction of information systems of services and territory for planning at different spatial scales of intervention (national, regional, urban, district);
  • environmental remediation technologies, aimed at identifying, analysing, designing and evaluating technological and process interventions for the recovery and management of environmental quality;
  • environmental monitoring and diagnostics, oriented to the development, use and management of methodologies, tools and control and measurement systems for the coordination of spatial planning, for the monitoring and management of natural resources, for civil protection and for the management of technical services and infrastructures.

The offer also includes an English language course – environmental engineering for sustainability – formulated to acquire the engineering skills associated with the needs of formulating and assessing the environmental sustainability of interventions.