The monumental challenge of climate change after the Paris Agreement
Invited Seminar by Michael Mann (Penn State University, USA)
9:30-12:30, June 18th, 2018
Aula Rogers, Campus Leonardo,
Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI), Via Ampère, 10
- Welcome and intro (Stefano Caserini, DICA, PoliMI)
- Impacts of climate change in Italy (Paola Faggian, RSE)
- Activities of Politecnico di Milano on Climate Change (Marino Gatto, DEIB, PoliMI)
- Talk by Michael Mann (Penn State University)
- Q&A and discussion
Michael Mann will review the scientific evidence on climate change, the reasons why we should
care, and the often absurd efforts undertaken by special interests and partisan political figures to
confuse the public, attack the science and scientists, and deny that the problem even exists. Despite
the monumental nature of the challenge we face, particularly after the Paris Agreement, Prof. Mann
will explain why he’s cautiously optimistic that reason and science will prevail in the greatest battle
that human civilization has possibly ever faced – the battle to avert catastrophic and irreversible
climate change impacts.